Are you homeless or in danger of being homeless?

We may be able to help 

Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8 am to 5 pm

To check your status

If you are facing eviction and have received a notice to vacate, please complete the pre-assessment below. Your notice needs to be within the last 30 days to be accepted. The name on the notice must match the name of the client filling out the application.

If you are currently staying with someone for 1 week or longer, you must obtain a notarized letter. The notarized letter must include the following: the date, applicant's name (which is you), friend/family address, must state it is a temporary situation and you must leave, and the writer's (which is friend/family member) signature must be notarized. Please complete the pre-assessment below.

If you are needing to update your status (location change/phone number, etc), please email this information to This office will contact you for status updates effective November 9, 2023 in 90 days.

If you are in physical danger where you are staying or you are fleeing domestic violence

If you are experiencing homelessness (i.e. staying in your car, in a shelter, or sleeping outside) or are in a hotel

If you are a veteran in need of assistance, please call our Veteran Line:


Teaming up to make homelessness rare, non-recurring, and short lived.

Securing resources to address needs


Identifying and bridge gaps in housing and services


Educating the community on issues that affect people experiencing homelessness


Most importantly, we provide homes to our neighbors experiencing homelessness


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Homelessness Can Take Many Forms

It can mean sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation, like a car or abandoned building or camp; but it also includes people living in motels or with another family member due to a lack of resources or alternative accommodations. 

In 2022, 506 people were experiencing homelessness in Polk County:


were veterans


were under 18 years old


have a substance abuse disorder

Our clients include families, veterans, mentally ill, disabled, youth aging out of foster care, and more. Homelessness can happen to anyone—it takes just one major setback to start a cycle that can end with help from our community. We can solve this problem with your support.

Canva - Four Person Standing on Cliff in Front of Sun (1)

2024 Continuum of Care Membership


As we are strictly an administrative support organization, we are unable to provide direct services or assistance.

Get in Touch!

fax: (863) 802-1436